Toucheng Township Houses, Yilan
Houses in / near to Toucheng Township ...
- | 9.6/10 (167 reviews)
Accommodation type: Entire housefrom USD 82 - | 9.4/10 (41 reviews)
Accommodation type: Entire housefrom USD 147 - | 9.4/10 (91 reviews)
位於頭城火車站騎車僅5分鐘,距離頭城海水浴場僅1.6公里,提供健身中心,,戶外休憩區,無邊際泳池(需付費每位50元)(每年11月-4月和每週三清潔日泳池不開放),撞球飛標室,兒童遊戲室,免費停車場,免費WiFi 附近熱...
Accommodation type: Entire housefrom USD 102 - | 9.1/10 (49 reviews)
The room was thoroughly disinfected.No pets allowed Noisy Not smoking Going out in the first row of the sea is the beach...
Accommodation type: Entire house - | 9.6/10 (3 reviews)
Accommodation type: Entire house - | 9.6/10 (131 reviews)
Two queen size Bed with attached bathroom. Entire Home. Facilities: Fridge, Wi-Fi, Wireless TV channels, Attached ...
Accommodation type: Entire housefrom USD 51 - | 8.2/10 (2 reviews)
❤️入住一天以上即享折扣優惠,天數越多折扣也越多❤️ 1、家族旅遊、同學朋友聚會的好選擇,下頭城交流道,開車3分鐘可到達。 2、搭首都下車5分鐘可到達房源 3、一樓是客廳和廚房,客廳寬敞,廚房鍋碗瓢盆齊全可炊煮...
Accommodation type: Entire house - | 10.0/10 (44 reviews)
【頭城舒適圈shubnb】 在這間迷人且高級的住處中,每個微小的細節都經過精心設計。位於美麗的蘭陽平原依山傍海瞭望龜山島~ 陽台即可同時看到龜山島及烏石港的大海,早晨時會被陽光鳥叫喚醒,走到陽台即可看到驚人美景~ ...
Accommodation type: Entire house - | 10.0/10 (1 review)
烏石港、蘭陽博物館旁重劃區內 步行至國光客運烏石港站、賞鯨碼頭約5-10分鐘 代辦優惠賞鯨服務 提供免費客運站、火車站接駁服務一次 小而美,乾淨便宜又好入眠,一個寧靜的地方...
Accommodation type: Entire house - | 10.0/10 (1 review)
❤️入住一天以上即享折扣優惠,天數越多折扣也越多❤️ 供一至四位客人入住 一樓客廳和廚房可供使用 二樓:雙人套房A 1900元 雙人套房B 1900元 三樓:四人套房(有浴缸) 36...
Accommodation type: Entire house - | 9.6/10 (1 review)
We love to share our experience plus beer. Please stay in the hostel at night, and order a bottle of beer. We'll be here...
Accommodation type: Entire housefrom USD 27 - | 10.0/10 (10 reviews)
【頭城舒適圈shubnb】 在這間迷人且高級的住處中,每個微小的細節都經過精心設計。位於美麗的蘭陽平原依山傍海瞭望龜山島~ 【介紹】 室內可享有天然碳酸氫鈉泉,含溫、冷泉 頭城的溫泉更為清澈,旦碳酸氫...
Accommodation type: Entire house - | 10.0/10 (4 reviews)
The price 700 NT is for one person per nignt. The 386 surfing house is located in one of the most famous surf spots in T...
Accommodation type: Entire house - | 9.3/10 (12 reviews)
The price 750 NT is for one person per nignt.The 386 surfing house is located in one of the most famous surf spots in Ta...
Accommodation type: Entire house - | 8.7/10 (96 reviews)
This tiny house is in the orange garden, accommodation capacity up to 6 persons. Two Air conditioning rooms with 3 beds ...
Accommodation type: Entire housefrom USD 38 - | 8.7/10 (26 reviews)
Leaving the noisy city, the endless green rice fields Give yourself a space to relax and completely forget the pres...
Accommodation type: Entire housefrom USD 447 - | 8.6/10 (148 reviews)
Family-friendly Big open space and natural light we can surf together...
Accommodation type: Entire housefrom USD 77 - | 8.8/10 (2 reviews)
整棟別墅以實心石材打造,純白洞穴風格,屋內裝潢為法國新藝術運動時期的Art nouveau裝飾,陳設有壁爐、木製古董等特色家具。 四間房間走出房門皆有獨立露台,放眼可直接見到龜山島與外澳海灘,甚至一起床就可以從房間玻璃窗,向外看到...
Accommodation type: Entire house - | 8.1/10 (4 reviews)
旅居歐洲各地,曾任花藝及室內軟裝師的M耗資百萬打令人放鬆舒心的20樓海景溫泉湯屋「柏居」。 室內空間約20坪,陽台可遠眺太平洋及龜山島。以歐風溫潤色系為設計主調,設有小吧台及吧台椅、簡易開放式廚房、加大型雙人床、單人躺椅、Sam...
Accommodation type: Entire house - | 7.5/10 (3 reviews)
整棟別墅以實心石材打造,純白洞穴風格,屋內裝潢為法國新藝術運動時期的Art nouveau裝飾,陳設有壁爐、木製古董等特色家具。 四間房間走出房門皆有獨立露台,放眼可直接見到龜山島與外澳海灘,甚至一起床就可以從房間玻璃窗,向外看到...
Accommodation type: Entire house