Taipei Bungalows
Bungalows in / near to Taipei ...
- | 9.4/10 (214 reviews)Area: Jiu Fen
Jiufen Xiaomei Meow Seaview Homestay Wake up to a magical day and enjoy all that Taipei offers with a stay at ...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalowfrom USD 66 - | 9.0/10 (4 reviews)Area: Shuangxi District
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow - | 9.1/10 (9 reviews)Area: Xindian District
Free on-street parking free tour to nearby beautiful mon mon lake. 可免費遊附近美麗的濛濛湖. 有優惠的房客接送服務. (約計乘車的六折. 入住與離開則...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow - | 8.0/10 (14 reviews)Area: Xindian District
入住入住這間寬敞又安靜的房源,忘卻所有心中的煩惱。 到離#免費接送#家與捷運站間 "(機場到新店捷運站須自行搭公車) 住處到新店捷運站約10分鐘 " (搭綠3公車) 住處清幽寧靜 睡眠舒適 無商店雜音干擾 車流量近乎零 ...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow - | 7.5/10 (16 reviews)Area: Xindian District
入住這間寬敞又安靜的房源,忘卻所有心中的煩惱。 到離#免費接送#家與捷運站間 "(機場到新店捷運站須自行搭公車) 住處到新店捷運站約10分鐘 " (搭綠3公車) 住處清幽寧靜 睡眠舒適 無商店雜音干擾 車流量近乎零 空氣...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow - | 9.6/10 (20 reviews)Area: Daan District
無論您想遠端工作,還是全家出遊,1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Apartment in 台北市都是您造訪台北市最好的選擇。在這裡,您可以盡情感受這座充滿活力的城市,同時享有地利之便,讓您在台北市旅行的期間,能輕鬆探訪城市各大必訪...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow - | 10.0/10 (1 review)Area: Jiu Fen
九份杉嶼民宿 Jiufen Cedar lodge Every effort is made to make guests feel comfortable by providing the best in servic...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow - | 9.9/10 (3 reviews)Area: Bali District
?來到這裡“心”才是真正開始旅行! ✔️面河景 ✔️寬敞浴室也是面河景 ✔️有中島&廚房 ✔️微波爐,電磁爐 ✔️從大樓B1下去即到達河岸人行步道&腳踏車步道 ✔️提供腳踏車2台...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalowfrom USD 153 - | 9.7/10 (8 reviews)Area: Jiu Fen
空間介紹 房間距離老街一分鐘可達,距離老街口 7-11 約二分鐘可達. 考慮每個人的飲食習慣不同,因此不提供早餐,直接優惠在房價上. 客房內專用的衛浴設備,提供盥洗用品,冰箱、空調、電暖器、浴巾毛巾。嬰兒浴盆(需要請告知)...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow - | 10.0/10 (3 reviews)Area: Shanzhi District
Hi walk海邊走走 The superior services and facilities offered at Hi walk海邊走走 will make for a memorable stay....
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow - | 9.8/10 (9 reviews)Area: Xinyi District
Song Gao Road Little house At Song Gao Road Little house , guests are bound to have a stress-free stay. ...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow - | 8.8/10 (115 reviews)Area: Tamsui District
2分鐘到公車站可直達淡水老街、漁人碼頭等 10分鐘到紅樹林捷運站可前往101、台北車站 位於紅樹林捷運站的溫泉套房,地點方便,五星級的管理,游泳池和三溫暖免費使用。 29樓的海景餐廳,讓您享受度假的感覺! 無論到淡水老街或者北海岸風景區都有...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalowfrom USD 70 - | 9.1/10 (6 reviews)Area: Jiu Fen
Big open space,with amazing views and natural light....
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow - | 6.6/10 (45 reviews)Area: Ximending
Ximending西門町捷運電梯景觀三房 Ximending西門町捷運電梯景觀三房 is the perfect choice for travelers who want to take in the s...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalowfrom USD 185 - | 6.5/10 (8 reviews)Area: Ximending
Stay Active at Ximending Center3 's State-of-the-Art Fitness Center At Ximending Center3 , we ...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow - | 8.4/10 (6 reviews)Area: Xinyi District
full house with big kitchen .bathtub and the projector big screen. enjoying watch the movie when u take bath. ...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow - | 7.7/10 (12 reviews)Area: Ximending
Next to Exit 6 of Ximending MRT Station Location location center downstairs is the shopping area Free elevator wifi Clea...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow - | 7.9/10 (3 reviews)Area: Zhonghe District
.Ubike 步行1 分鐘 .公車永利路站 步行1分鐘 .捷運秀朗橋站 車程4分鐘 .板橋車站 車程15分鐘 .台北車站 車程15分鐘 .收費停車場 步行1分鐘 .寶藏巖台北國際藝...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow - | 7.5/10 (7 reviews)Area: Pingxi District
5 minutes to town center and train station and bus stop. The best location to visit this area. We have two suites. It co...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow - | 6.8/10 (2 reviews)Area: Ximending
Our location is located in the center of Ximending, downtown area next to the MRT...
Accommodation type: Entire bungalow
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