Daan District Apartments, Taipei
Apartments in / near to Daan District ...
- | 9.7/10 (26 reviews)
◎ There are 3 bedrooms,all of the beds are the regular double size bed,one of them is Queen size bed. ◎ This apartment i...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 10.0/10 (2 reviews)
Looking for a peaceful and comfortable place to vacation? This house is located in a small alley near GuoluMemorial Hall...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 9.0/10 (38 reviews)
家庭式住宿,兩房一廳一衛浴,我住其中一房。客廳有貓咪會過敏者注意~位於東區但房間安靜。交通方便,走路3分鐘可到捷運忠孝敦化站及敦化南路公車站。附近停車場多方便停車5分鐘到小巨蛋,微風SOGO。Convenient location and ...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 9.4/10 (13 reviews)
想體驗台北夜生活嗎?這間房子絕對是你的首選!它就坐落忠孝復興捷運站走路4分鐘的地方,方便到不行! 這個房子有2間臥室,位在2樓,樓下美食應有盡有!逛累了嘴巴餓了,隨時可以下樓吃個宵夜。這附近的酒吧超多,你一定會有機會體驗到台北的熱...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 8.7/10 (25 reviews)
please booking now!!!!!!!!!!! 3 min to Zhongxiao Dunhua Station/3 bedroom/2 bathroom walk 3 min to...
Accommodation type: Entire apartmentfrom USD 64 - | 8.7/10 (19 reviews)
For stays of more than 5 nights (including 5 nights), I will present a butler to the house to clean. You can't spec...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 8.6/10 (13 reviews)
我們使用了75%的酒精對房間進行了消毒,以防止新型冠狀病毒進入。請放心,因為我們所有的單元都經過了100%的消毒 **屋內吸菸一律收味道處理費5000twd** 所有入住人需提供證件+名片核對 預定4位房客以上...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 8.9/10 (30 reviews)
NEW10F✡眺望市景高樓電梯大樓,@忠孝復興站3分鐘/可住8PPL✿ NEW10F✡眺望市景高樓電梯大樓,@忠孝復興站3分鐘/可住8PPL✿ is the perfect choice for trave...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 9.0/10 (8 reviews)
✿"The entire floor enjoys a large space, bright and comfortable, very suitable for groups of relatives and friends trave...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 8.9/10 (8 reviews)
入住這間位處中心地段卻安靜的房源,讓自己的旅程輕鬆無負擔。~ 請注意!房內吸菸罰款$5000TWD *全室暖氣 我們在您抵達前後都使用75%的Estrong乙醇對房間進行消毒,以防止新型冠狀病毒進入。 ...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 8.5/10 (16 reviews)
please booking now!!!!!!!!!!! ★The most prosperous of the Eastern lively Taipei MRT exports within just 2 min...
Accommodation type: Entire apartmentfrom USD 76 - | 9.8/10 (167 reviews)
★Distance: 4 minutes walk from Guting MRT station/ 6 minutes to Taipower Building MRT station/ 6 minutes Taiwan Normal ...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 8.0/10 (14 reviews)
please booking now!!!!!!!!!!!! Promote green accommodation ! Cooperate with the government to respond to envi...
Accommodation type: Entire apartmentfrom USD 32 - | 8.5/10 (4 reviews)
|Downstairs there are popular restaurants with long queues, but as my guest, you don't need to wait in line. You can wat...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 9.8/10 (313 reviews)
★It takes only 2minutes to walk from Technology Building MRT station to this cozy high ceiling(4.2 meter) apartment. 3 ...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 9.8/10 (59 reviews)
往個景點,生活機能極為便利。 為維護住宿品質會定期更換家具 採用現代化的瓷釦感應電子密碼鎖,為您的住宿提供更高的安全性 ~ 我們家和飯店最大不同的點就是你們一樣是住在家,只是來台北住另一個溫暖的家,飯店沒有的是家裡的廚房,整個客...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 9.8/10 (39 reviews)
公主化妝台: 這個公主化妝台讓小公主們可以盡情享受打扮和化妝的樂趣。配有鏡子、化妝品和配件,讓小女孩們能夠變身成自己喜歡的公主角色。 汽車跑道: 對於喜歡汽車和速度的小朋友來說。他們可以在跑道上,體驗汽車競賽的刺激和樂趣。...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 9.5/10 (233 reviews)
DB/MRT 30 sec/Charming suit Best City Location. You'll love the exceptional convenience during your stay at ...
Accommodation type: Entire apartmentfrom USD 3169 - | 7.6/10 (376 reviews)
無論您想遠端工作,還是全家出遊,1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Apartment in 台北市都是您造訪台北市最好的選擇。在這裡,您可以盡情感受這座充滿活力的城市,同時享有地利之便,讓您在台北市旅行的期間,能輕鬆探訪城市各大必訪...
Accommodation type: Entire apartmentfrom USD 40 - | 7.6/10 (14 reviews)
Ximending Tokyo 412 樓中樓宅/可住1~6ppl大空間 Get the most from an urban escape in Taipei when you book a room at Ximen...
Accommodation type: Entire apartmentfrom USD 54