Tainan Houses
Houses in / near to Tainan ...
- | 9.7/10 (186 reviews)Area: Tainan City
"Inner place" is an industrial-chic design hostel, a classy renovated old house, and a homelike place filled with love a...
Accommodation type: Entire Housefrom USD 54 - | 9.6/10 (186 reviews)Area: Tainan City
"Inner place" is an industrial-chic design hostel, a classy renovated old house, and a homelike place filled with love a...
Accommodation type: Entire Housefrom USD 46 - | 9.9/10 (206 reviews)Area: Tainan City
BANYI is old House in Tainan。 Wake up to a magical day and enjoy all that Tainan offers with a stay at BANY...
Accommodation type: Entire House - | 9.7/10 (116 reviews)Area: Tainan City
A級精品宅!南紡商圈全新兩房高樓層景觀住宅 Never miss a single attraction in Tainan when staying at A級精品宅!南紡商圈全新兩房高樓層景觀住宅 . G...
Accommodation type: Entire Housefrom USD 123 - | 9.8/10 (60 reviews)Area: Tainan City
***To achieve the best quality, host only one group of guest at one time, please fill the correct number of people when ...
Accommodation type: Entire House - | 9.6/10 (90 reviews)Area: Tainan City
水交社重劃區內,國寶級85歲棗樹奶奶旁, 跨步是時尚西門商圈,散步則享美術館慢活時光,鬧中取靜。 走路只要花3分鐘,輕輕鬆鬆就買到三餐,這麼便利的生活機能,住在這裡才能享有 身為機車族的您也別擔...
Accommodation type: Entire Housefrom USD 127 - | 9.7/10 (62 reviews)Area: Yongkang District
6 minutes walk to two 7-11 shops. 6 minutes walk to two restaurants. 10 minutes walk to two bus station. ...
Accommodation type: Entire House - | 9.7/10 (260 reviews)Area: Tainan City
✔嚴選舒適柔軟的進口寢具讓你擁有優質的睡眠,衛浴設備淋浴間,日系高品質設備洗去一天的疲憊。 入住即可感受到Urban6的用心以及堅持,對於每位入住旅客就像認識許久的好友,揪感心…… ✔Urban6提供平面停車與無線網路服...
Accommodation type: Entire House - | 9.4/10 (238 reviews)Area: Tainan City
Three rooms / three halls / three bathrooms, the whole building is full of three floors, can accommodate 2-10 people (tw...
Accommodation type: Entire Housefrom USD 216 - | 9.6/10 (126 reviews)Area: Tainan City
Located in Tainan city center, approximately 700 meters from the railway station, and walking distance to Tainan histori...
Accommodation type: Entire House - | 9.9/10 (21 reviews)Area: Tainan City
Accommodation type: Entire House - | 9.3/10 (276 reviews)Area: Tainan City
Three rooms / two halls / two bathrooms, the entire three-storey building is lovely, can accommodate 2-8 people(two doub...
Accommodation type: Entire Housefrom USD 179 - | 9.6/10 (106 reviews)Area: Tainan City
房源位於台南市東區,大同路二段巷弄內,寧靜生活感受台南的愜意感,週邊生活機能與便利性極佳完善,臨近週邊大東夜市只需要10分鐘以內,該房源位置到台南市區的景點都是極佳便利的好選擇。 等待您們一起來享受台南旅遊的美好時光? ...
Accommodation type: Entire House - | 9.7/10 (50 reviews)Area: Annan District
Discover Comfort and Convenience at Jorly赤嵌樓附近的三人雅房 Welcome to Jorly赤嵌樓附近的三人雅房 , a charming 2-star ho...
Accommodation type: Entire House - | 9.5/10 (46 reviews)Area: Tainan City
位於台南市區的全新旅宿,打造溫馨舒適的住宿環境 誰說一定要包棟才能煮東西?我們提供一房一廳的寬敞格局 每間房內皆配有IH爐、餐具、洗衣機、冰箱 讓您能在出遊時,與朋友或另一半可以享受自行料理的晚餐時光 鬧中取靜的旅宿,提供旅客一個方...
Accommodation type: Entire Housefrom USD 51 - | 9.3/10 (52 reviews)Area: Tainan City
位於台南市區的全新旅宿,打造溫馨舒適的住宿環境 誰說一定要包棟才能煮東西?我們提供一房一廳的寬敞格局 每間房內皆配有IH爐、餐具、洗衣機、冰箱 讓您能在出遊時,與朋友或另一半可以享受自行料理的晚餐時光 鬧中取靜的旅宿,提供旅客一個方...
Accommodation type: Entire Housefrom USD 49 - | 10.0/10 (6 reviews)Area: Anping District
珠粼: 安平海邊的風景,波光粼粼。 五層樓的建築, 頂樓透明天台的明亮採光讓日光傾瀉而下, 使整棟樓擁有美妙的光線, 室內古道具的陳列與植物自然生長, 期待入住的旅客體驗另一種理想生活。 房屋基本介紹: ﹝1...
Accommodation type: Entire House - | 9.6/10 (73 reviews)Area: Tainan City
位於台南市區的全新旅宿,打造溫馨舒適的住宿環境 誰說一定要包棟才能煮東西?我們提供一房一廳的寬敞格局 每間房內皆配有IH爐、餐具、洗衣機、冰箱 讓您能在出遊時,與朋友或另一半可以享受自行料理的晚餐時光 鬧中取靜的旅宿,提供旅客一個方...
Accommodation type: Entire Housefrom USD 50 - | 10.0/10 (8 reviews)Area: Anping District
Sharehouse Yamaki Take everything available in Tainan with a comfort stay at Sharehouse Yamaki . Go beyo...
Accommodation type: Entire House - | 9.5/10 (95 reviews)Area: Tainan City
Tom's Maison: Located in the heart of Historical Tainan Offering ground flat of two story house from light patio, ...
Accommodation type: Entire Housefrom USD 60
Other types of accommodation in Tainan - Taiwan
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- Tainan Motels (37)
- Tainan Inns (33)
- Tainan Villas (24)
- Tainan Bungalows (23)
- Tainan Resorts (5)
- Tainan Lodges (2)