Fanlu Township Apartments, Chiayi
Apartments in / near to Fanlu Township ...
- | 9.6/10 (83 reviews)
山嵐水岸小居 簡介-山明水秀之景,湖光山色極美,人間鮮有此境,置身於此,宛若世外桃源。-離嘉義市區各大商圈,十分鐘內車程,是塵囂中難得淨與謐小居,為全台絕無僅有珍寶,值得品味和體驗。獨立小居內,裝潢擺置典雅舒適潔淨,完全保有個人安全靜謐空間...
Accommodation type: Entire apartmentfrom USD 108 - | 8.6/10 (20 reviews)
B1-山嵐水岸小居 山水| 景觀套房、仁義潭、阿里山 Getting in and around Chiayi is a breeze when staying at B1-山嵐水岸小居 山水| 景觀套房、仁義潭、...
Accommodation type: Entire apartmentfrom USD 54 - | 10.0/10 (1 review)
lake house 湖居 It's time for an adventure-filled holiday! Explore Chiayi with a stay at lake house 湖居 . S...
Accommodation type: Entire apartmentfrom USD 75
Remarks: Prices may alter, please check before booking, thanks.
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