Geumam-dong Apartments, Jeonju-si
Apartments in / near to Geumam-dong ...
- | 8.7/10 (7 reviews)
- Located in the center of Jeonju city, where you can enjoy the daily experience of local residents in Jeonju. - W...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 9.8/10 (223 reviews)
Daeyang-ariseuta Whether you're a tourist or traveling on business, Daeyang-ariseuta is a great choic...
Accommodation type: Entire apartmentfrom USD 111 - | 9.7/10 (4 reviews)
- 전주 아고다홈즈 숙소중 단연컨대 가장 가성비와 교통이 좋은 곳. ★ 장기 숙박 환영! 기간,가격, 조건 협의가능 ★ - 전북대 신정문 바로옆! 젊은이들의 청춘과 도시적 느낌 물씬. ...
Accommodation type: Entire apartmentfrom USD 22 - | 8.8/10 (47 reviews)
Place to experience daily life of Jeonju poeple103 Guestrooms at Place to experience daily life of Jeonju p...
Accommodation type: Entire apartmentfrom USD 25 - | 9.0/10 (2 reviews)
코로나19를 넘어, 아늑한 대.확.행을 펼칠 피난처 (전북대 의대,상대,인문사회대 근처) ★ 장기 숙박 환영! 기간+가격+조건 협의 가능! 문의주세요!★ - 전북대 캠퍼스 근처에서 젊은이들의 청춘...
Accommodation type: Entire apartment - | 8.4/10 (5 reviews)
Accommodation type: Entire apartmentfrom USD 23
Remarks: Prices may alter, please check before booking, thanks.
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