Juso-Yado - Osaka
Address: Yodogawa Jusohigashi 5-2-35
Osaka, 532-0023
Area: Juso
Accommodation type: Entire house
Juso-Yado Rates & Reservations
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- Book your room
Juso-Yado - Osaka Description
English→中文→日本語 You can use the whole house! The size of the room is 70 m2, promising a spacious and comfortable stay. It is a 7-minute walk from Juso station. Great access to Kyoto/Osaka/Kobe. To Osaka(Umeda) > 5min (direct train) To Kyoto > 45min (direct train) To Kobe > 25min (direct train) To USJ > 27min The neighborhood of the accommodation is quiet,safe and convenient. As this property has been approved for sales from Osaka City, you can stay with confidence. 1F [lobby] Enough room to keep your luggages. You can relax with a sofa and a chair. We prepare travel magazines ,Please help us plan your trip. [dining kitchen] Refrigerator, microwave, cooking utensils, dishes and so on are complete. [bath] Please use equipped shampoo, conditioner, body soap. Bath towels, toothbrushes, shavings and a hair dryer are also available. [toilet] Washlet toilet. 2F [Japanese style room] 3 rooms with tatami flooring,you can taste Japaneseness. We have 8 pairs of futon and pillow available, so please rest yourself in the place you like. Other things to note + This building is a traditional wooden house. Since the wall with the neighbor is not so thick, you may hear loud voices or laughter. Please make sure you stay quiet at night, so that you can live comfortably with each other. + We don't have TV. ---------------------------------------- 歡迎來到大阪!!!阪急十三車站為轉程大站,絕佳的地理位置,輕鬆暢遊關西 步行到民宿→ 7分 直通大阪梅田車站→5分 直通京都河原町→45分 直通神戶→25分 環球影城USJ→27分 十三宿周邊: ★民宿步行三分鐘即有大型超市 ★車站出來後就是熱鬧繁華的商店街 ★唐吉珂德激安殿堂 ★松本清大國藥粧 ★24小時餐飲店居酒屋 ★大阪前三名超人氣拉麵店 ★7-11 全家便利商店 ★卡拉OK 讓您吃不完,逛不完,半夜不怕肚子餓,您可以盡情享用大阪美食 十三宿是取得大阪特區許可的合法民宿 不怕臨時被取消 不怕有人來突襲檢查 不怕惡鄰來打擾 合法民宿,安心有保障!!! 房源 十三宿是以家的概念出發,希望每一位旅客在疲累旅程中,盡興的玩了一天後回到十三宿後能夠不拘小節,不管他人眼光,完全的放鬆,像回到家一樣的自在安穩 備有不限流量的wifi可隨身攜帶,隨時都能置身在有網路的環境 一樓為客廳,廚房,衛浴 寬敞的大空間,一二樓超過60平方米,讓您不需要再受限在狹小的旅館 不必再擔心戰利品沒地方放,行李箱愛怎麼全開就怎麼全開 我們有大大的廚房,冰箱,微波爐,快煮壺,電磁爐,鍋碗瓢盆通通為您準備好了,調味料一應俱全 不管是吃素的旅客,不必再擔心到日本要到處找素食廳餐 或是要製作小朋友的離乳食,採買好當地的食材就能輕鬆下廚 獨立式衛浴洗面檯,不必再你等我,我等你 二樓寢室 三間榻榻米和室,8人床位,來到日本怎麼不體驗一下 日本傳統和室,舒適的大空間,消除您一天的疲累哦 希望十三宿可以為您的旅途更加分,更期待您的回憶中能想起十三宿 房客使用权限 十三宿是整棟式的出租的房屋,不需與他人共享,一二樓盡情使用 与房客的互动 專屬中文管理人員,24小時協助您,訂房問題,旅遊行程建議 只要能幫得上忙,我們很樂意為您服務!! 其他注意事项 ★由於十三宿是木造的民宿,並且位於安靜的巷弄間,夜晚十分安靜 請您不要大聲喧嘩,或是開party,這樣會影響到其他的住戶,還請多多包涵 ★嚴禁在房間任何地方染髪 ★入住時間:14點 您取得鑰匙後便可以自由進出民宿,沒有門禁 ★退房時間:11點 請您準時退房,11點-14點是打掃清潔時間 ★非常抱歉入住前跟退房後,我們沒辦法為您保管行李,您可以寄放在車站的保管箱 ★沒有提供電視,盡請見諒 ---------------------------------- 十三駅から徒歩7分 直通で大阪梅田へ→5分 直通で京都河原町へ→45分 直通で神戶へ→25分 USJへ→27分 ☆本物件は、大阪市から営業の認可を受けてますので安心して滞在していただけます。 一軒家を丸ごと貸し切り! 部屋の広さは70㎡、広くて快適な滞在をお約束します。 駅の周りは賑やかな商店街で、おいしい飲食店がたくさんあります。 宿泊施設の近隣は静かで安全です。 コンビニやディスカウントストア、コインランドリーもあるので便利です。 その他の特記事項 +この建物は昔ながらの木造住宅です。 お隣との壁がそこまで厚くありませんので、大きな声や笑い声などは聞こえる場合があります。 お互い快適に暮らせるよう、夜間はお静かにお過ごしいただきますようにお願いします。 +テレビはありません。
Juso-Yado classifies itself as a 3 star hotel.
N.B. Please note that the star ratings are interpreted generously by the hotels in many countries.
N.B. Please note that the star ratings are interpreted generously by the hotels in many countries.
Juso-Yado Facilities
N.B. Please note that these are considered correct at the time of publishing, but may no longer be available. If any of the facilities are absolutely essential for you please check when booking. Please do not assume that all are included in the room rate.
- Air conditioning
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Closet
- Fire extinguisher
- Hair dryer
- Heater
- Linens
- Smoke detector
- Smoking allowed
- Toiletries
- Towels
- Washer
- Wi-Fi
- Wi-Fi [portable rental]
Available In All Rooms
- Air conditioning
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Closet
- Desk
- Fire extinguisher
- Full kitchen
- Hair dryer
- Linens
- Private pool
- Smoke detector
- Smoking allowed
- Toiletries
- Towels
Internet Access
- Wi-Fi [portable rental]
Languages Spoken
- English
- Japanese