Route 1
From Chiang
Dao Nest, ride to Chiang Dao along the road through the cave village.
At the main road (Route 107), turn right into Chiang Dao and then
left after a few hundred metres (just after the hotel). If you
get to Alien Bar (on the right) then you've gone too far. Having
left the main road, the route crosses a plain of rice fields with
good views back to Doi Luang Chiang Dao. After a few kilometres,
the road reaches a T-junction at the foot of a slope. Tracks up
the slope apparently lead to hill villages. Turn left at the T-junction
and follow the road to Ban Muang Khong. The road then doubles
back, past Wat Amphawan, to Route
107. Turn left towards Chiang Dao and then right onto the cave
village road and back to Chiang Dao Nest.
Route 1 Route 2 Route